Diabetes is a pain

Hi Everyone I am doing well but do you ever get trier of diabetes or any other medical thing you have that’s how i feel today but i know it won’t last. I just need one day not to think about my diabetes that is also what keeps going diabetes is that one thing that keeps me going and gives me a voice though a lot of social media like youtube, dlife etc so one can tell us no we just have to fight on and live each day to it fullest and be there for our love ones no matter how bad we feel. We can do it.  I am thankful for everything I have including diabetes. that all for now thanks 

old blog new space welcome

Hi I have posted post from my old blog on myopera to here so those new can be in the know but to anyone new i welcome you to my new blog I hope to blog some on here to keep you updated on life with diabetes thanks

new job

Hi I have started a new job this week so far i really like it i also saw my eye doctor this week too there is no damage in my eye so thats good and my diabetes id doing good go back to the endo in October. I also am getting into reading and trying to find something new to do on my computer not into games at all any ideas? I do have facebook and twitter and youtube so that out for ideas. I am hopeing to hear some of your stories on how you found out you were diabetic well that’s all for now. thanks


i I am shelly I am a diabetic from vancouver canada I have had diabetes for 5 years now I lived in vancouver my whole life and I work as a data entry clerk I like music and cats and I love to read books on diabetes I also love to give back to the diabetic community I have a twitter facebook and youtube pages to keep me busy too I like to vist new places around vancouver and vlog about them on youtube well thats some about me thanks